2 definitions by Totally Not A Furry

So, 'gumping it' is when someone is not quite retarded, but they're like just on that line.
"I need to confess a sin, Father. I worked at a grocery store in my teenage years, I won't get specific. There was this one girl-- are you familiar with the term 'gumping it' --so while it's an ethical conundrum, it's not fucking a retarded person if you were to sleep with 'em. This will come important later in the story..."
by Totally Not A Furry March 6, 2021
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Acronym meaning "Looking For RolePlay"

Used to indicate a chat room in which users post requests for Roleplay, particularly on F-List.net
I'm LFRP. Sex driven, lots of kinky fetishes. PM me for more info.
by Totally Not A Furry April 8, 2014
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