3 definitions by Tordawg

1. The hormone that a lesbian produces from her ovaries.
2. The retarded sister hormone of testosterone.
My lestosterone is raging right now! Let's go back to my apartment for some scissoring!
by Tordawg March 12, 2009
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A bikini that is so skimpy and tiny it looks like lingerie at first glance. Also it is when a woman decides to wear her bikini as lingerie for whatever reason, or vice versa.
Holy Crap Berniece! That bikinky is so tiny it barely covers your nip or pink sink! maybe you should go more towards a granny bikini...
by Tordawg June 16, 2009
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the name of the person who joins your team on Halo 3, but decides to betray you and then proceeds to teabag your corpse.
goddammit flyingmonkey503, nobody likes betrayals or teabags, you dildo baggums!
by Tordawg March 27, 2009
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