2 definitions by Topkekemememem

When you wake up, feeling like you had sex with your crush for the first time. Then, get your band mates together and decide to perform on a fast moving train. Its also a kickass Queen song.
Guy 1-" Why on earth, is that band performing on fast moving train?"

Guy 2- "Idk, either they're having a Breakthru moment or just bunch of Queen fans."
by Topkekemememem June 24, 2017
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The guy who only knows how to play 2 or 3 songs and uses the most expensive guitar in the store with the amp settings on max.
Customer- "Who's the guy playing Sweet Child of mine that 59'Les Paul?"

Cashier -" Oh, thats just our resident Guitar Center Shredder."
by Topkekemememem May 19, 2017
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