2 definitions by Toonziesss

Howie-gay is a crazy ass girl! Her energy is unmatched and she has one of the best vibes ever! She does the craziest things at the most unexpected times. She's a great friend and in relationships she's the most loyal. When she falls she falls hard and she'll love you as long as you love her back and treat her like the queen she is. Howie-gay is one of the best persons that will ever be in your life and she cannot be replaced! Get you a Howie-gay and you'll always have joy in your life!
"I need a Howie-gay right now, I'm feeling so sad"
by Toonziesss November 22, 2021
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Chazae is a beautiful girl. She's probably one of the Prettiest girls you'll ever meet. She's kind, very (very) smart and ambitious. Although Chazae is cool most of the times you DO NOT want to get her angry or else that's it for you! She can be an angel too! One of the sweetest persons ever. She is a great friend and lover and she will always have your back no matter what. Chazae is definitely a keeper!
"Wow! Chazae is so pretty!"
by Toonziesss November 23, 2021
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