1 definition by Tony 4 Prez

Language of Origin: Scituate, Massachusetts has been adapted throught the south shore especially used in Norwell, Massachusetts

Can be used as a Verb/noun

Mission pronounced "M-i-ss-ion" is a slang term used to describe the act or action of having causal drunk sex in a car, but has been adapted to just refer to drunk causal sex or even just casual sex.
Example Verb:

Man: "damn bruh I really want to mission the hell out of Stacy, but my car is in the shop rn"
Friend: "that's ok, u can still say u missioned Stacy even if it's not in ur car"
Man: "word! I can't wait to mission Stacy this weekend, my parents will be out of town"

Example Noun:
Guy: "I'm on a mission"

Friend: "what type of mission"

Guy: "to fuck Janet, she is my mission"

Friend: "damn I wonder who my mission is"
by Tony 4 Prez April 13, 2016
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