1 definition by Tony McTony

Nuking the fridge is simply the act of creating more storage space in your cold storage unit, and/or saving money; by eating all the leftovers which are starting to get... bigger.

In many locations, heating something in a microwave is called 'nuking' it - due to a poor understanding of the structure of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Similarly in many locations the word refrigerator is shorted to 'fridge'.

Thus from the combination, we get 'nuke the fridge' - to heat up chilled leftovers from your fridge, in a microwave. It's not complicated, not should it be.
"I'm too knackered to cook tonight, you wanna go out?"
"Nah, I'm too povvo this week, maybe we should just nuke the fridge."
by Tony McTony July 28, 2021
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