1 definition by Tokisaki-sama

Trevors Axiom is a conclusion of the Theory of trolling, describing the social and societal consequences of a successfully fed Troll.

As other people notice the Troll and take sides, they further draw unrelated people into the conflict who themselves draw further people into it and so forth, thereby exponetially enlargening the conflict.
This exponential groth can be described analogously by the Barabási-Albert model with k0=m and a=1
While also true in general social interactions, the intermet, through it's great reach and speed, enhances the effect exponentially.
Trevors Axiom is a well known equation in online trolling. It's a way in which one person can create a massive reaction on the internet:
Person A trolls Person B with the goal of provoking a reaction from a third party, Person C. The intention being Person C's gross overreaction and self righteousness to the trolling of Person B, eliciting further reactions from persons D through F who are not trolls but cannot help themselves from ripping on Person C. Their reactions lead to outrage from persons G through N and it keeps going, creating massive amounts of hate and conflict, thus causing a Hydrogenbomb-like chain reaction leading to an explosion that brings out the worst in humanity.
by Tokisaki-sama November 8, 2017
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