1 definition by Tmcnallydeww

A small, relaxing town near Point Pleasant and Seaside New Jersey. Despite its location between two very commercial and somewhat tacky towns, it takes you to a place far from all the commercialism. Not yet touched by masses of people and commercialism, Mantoloking has some tourists, but mostly locals just enjoying a leisurely summer. Commonly referred to (even by myself) as "the raddest place alive doe". Everyone there is super nice and really ill at tennis. One of the happiest places you shall ever encounter in cho lyfe! A really nice place that you will love attending!
Bob: "Hey man, relax, it's Mantoloking!"
Ted: "You're right, brah. I'm just a chill dude who's trying to stay pop and do his thing."
by Tmcnallydeww August 8, 2012
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