9 definitions by Title Theme Big Brain Academy

Zeke Von Genbu, Bringer of Chaos.
Also known as Zeke.
Behold the mighty Zeke ! Von ! Genbu! Bringer of Chaos !
Mostly known as Zeke. And often addressed as... THE ZEKENATOR !!!
Behold my Blade ! Pandoria !
And this is my sword, the Purple Lightning Dreamsmasher !
If you want a taste, come and get it !
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Arguably one of the best stages in the entire Super Smash Bros franchise.
It is based on the Experimental Music Game Electroplankton on the Nintendo DS, specifically the part with the, well Hanenbow: little Tadpole-Like creature who produce sounds when hitting differently angled leaves and the water surface. It first appeared in Super Smash Bros Brawl for the Nintendo Wii when it was an unlockable stage after clearing the 28th Event: Flower Blooms in the Echoes in any difficulty. It had a unique particularity: there was no music to choose, and instead had an ambience piece in the background to go along the sounds produce by the planktons themselves. It is available from the start in it's reappearance in Super Smash Bros Ultimate, just like every Non-DLC stages, and it also got a new Remix cointaining the different sounds produce by the Hanenbow, Luminaria, Lumiloop and Beatnes (It's a banger by the way.)
Adrien (Le Parfum): We should have an Electroplankton Character who combines all of them: Tracy, Hanenbow, Nanocarp, Beatnes, Rec Rec, Lumiloop, Luminaria, Sun Animalcule, Marine Snow and Volvoice.

Could be a fun and out-there pic.
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Water for some Xenoblade Chronicles characters.
Mio: So... HOT.
Sena: Keep it together now, Mimie. "Stopped and start pointing at something"
Sena: Look there. Mimie look, it's water. There's an oasis.
Mio: Wo... Wo-tah??
Random batch of Xenoblade Chronicles characters: Wotah.
Mio: Wotah !!! "Starts running"
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A Ground-Rock Type Pokémon from the 4th generation of games.
It is also a equivalent to Satan to the Bitenists after the death of Bitentronc by it's own Rock Wrecker (Commonly known as Rhinastoc Roc-Boulet).
Example A: Rhyperior's awesome. It need some buffs tho.
Example B: There's multiple Gods: Arceus, Goomy, Lord Helix, Bitentronc... but there's also multiple Devils: Dome Fossil, Rhyperior, Ambipom...
Example C: Rhydon has no value at all. Just evolve it into a Rhyperior, it'd be much better.
Example D: People thinks Rhyperior will die to a cup of wotah, but these things can learn Surf to swim, so it's a little dumb.
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The greatest music piece created by mankind.
It came from the Nintendo DS game Art Academy, and is featured in Super Smash Bros for WiiU and Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
An idiot: Gangplank Galleon is da best LUL. There no good music besides that LUL.
Someone with a fonctional brain: Swan Lesson is such a beautiful piece of music. There's still other great compositions, but this one's undefeatable.
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Perfection in porcine form.
Also a new Pokémon in the upcoming Pokémon Scarlet and Violet games.
Example 1: All we need is Lechonk in our lives.
Example 2: Charizard can't hold a candle to Lechonk.
Example 3: Here's some Lechonk Facts: Rhydon is the worst Pokémon ever created.
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Byleth: This.
Manana: So, This.
Sothis: Yes?
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