16 definitions by TimeIsntTicking

Among Us is a game that took the internet by storm, developed by Intersloth Studios.

"Among Us!! Thats so sussy!" shut up
by TimeIsntTicking June 5, 2022
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"๐Ÿ’€" is the emoji form of saying "Deadass?" or "Bruh".
"nahh bro built like a skiddle ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€"
"more that i think about it i do think hes built like donald trump ngl ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€"
by TimeIsntTicking June 5, 2022
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TBH is a four legged character with a big head and big black eyes drawn in MicroSoft Paint made by "acmeiku" on twitter, based off of another users IRL drawing. It got its popularity through Tumblr by fanart and memes. It is also known as "Autism Creature" and "Mascot of Autism". It makes the sound "Yipee" in a meme video.
"Yipee!" - TBH Creature

"Chase, this 'Yipee TBH Meme' I found on discord is SO FUNNY!! I was laughing for a minute straight!"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ broken humor
by TimeIsntTicking June 5, 2022
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Wig Splitting is what happens when wigs get split ends due to the usage of hot styling tools, as the heat damages the hair and saps the moisture, resulting in brittle, split ends. Since wigs do not receive natural oils and nutrients from the scalp, it will not repair like natural hair and the damage is permanent.
"My wig got split!"
"Its called Wig Split, and its irreversible, meaning you need to get a new wig."
by TimeIsntTicking June 5, 2022
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OG means 3 things: "original gangster", "exceptional", and the one that's the most used definition: "original".

OG is used in ways like telling someone they are an Original, that they are Exceptional, and if they are a gang member (such as the crips), they are an Original Gangster.
1) "Stupid ass Bloods, us Crips are the OG's!"
2) "Damn Billy, you are so OG!"
3) "My Great Grandpa Bartholomew II? Yeah, he's an OG."
by TimeIsntTicking June 5, 2022
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Pog is a slang to represent excitement. It is also a meme, and it originated from Pogchamp.
"I just hit a 90 crank bro!"
by TimeIsntTicking June 5, 2022
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"Dear Mr. Douchebag,

we all agree that,

you are a DUMBASS!

Why cant you see that?"
by TimeIsntTicking June 5, 2022
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