3 definitions by Tiege17

The proper term for COVID-19 (it just sounds better)
Why do people call COVID the “China Virus,” it’s just so immature, it’s obviously the Floridian Flu.
by Tiege17 January 20, 2021
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To be extremely confused, unintelligent, or to be seen as dumb by many people.
Person 1: Did you here that Cole got a 16% on the last test?
Person 2: Yeah, that kid is so woofed but at least he's nice.
by Tiege17 January 27, 2017
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The fascist supporters of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Combining Trump and Fascist, it also sums up perfectly what Trascists are: trash.
How did that Trascist mob make it into the capital so easily?
by Tiege17 January 9, 2021
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