1 definition by Tiamat | The sexiest of Demons

Mogar is the name of the world in which Lith Verhen lives. Mogar is also used to refer to the will of the world, an entity that is seemingly a sentient incarnation of the planet. It doesn't care for single races or continents, only about the balance. The only individuals it takes an interest in are those it considers possible candidates for the role of Guardian. Mogar appears in a separate form to different people: to Salaark Mogar appears as a blood-stained beast, to Tyris as a pregnant woman, and to Leegaain as the World Tree. It has 5-6 continents, of which three are known.
instead of ''what on Earth'' they use ''What on Mogar''
by Tiamat | The sexiest of Demons January 17, 2022
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