2 definitions by TiJean

!) Tongue-tied, as in "having a Brewer Moment."
2) Totally dropping the verbal ball on a statement you should have down cold.
3) Sitting there in uffish silence with a pathetic deer-in-the-headlights expression when you should be dazzling them with brilliance (or at least befuddling them with bullshit).

From Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's notorious 13-second freeze-up at the beginning of a debate in September 2010.
I totally memorized my part for the performance, but I had a Brewer Moment because Jodie was in the back seat making faces.
by TiJean October 23, 2010
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The pose of despising posers.
If you aren't going to the Concert of the Year because you're too broke, agoraphobic, or datelesss, you can always meta-pose, i.e. sneer & say, "that scene was a lot more happenin' before the posers got to it."
by TiJean April 1, 2009
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