1 definition by Thumb Suckers Thumb

Roshini the type of bish that doesn't know how the word bish can be used in a positive way. With beauty that is undefinable, words cannot describe it. A smile so bright, you'll confuse her for the sun. This is nothing compared to her personality. She's a wild child, born to be free, free to be Roshini. She's been through more shit than you can imagine and still got the biggest heart to boot. She's the type of person that want's to take her time to get to know someone before dating them cause she ain't got time for no fuck bois. She will open up to you about herself and tell you confidential things that would make a normal person "feel some kind of way", but if she likes you enough, she will put all her plans aside and give you her time to make sure you're feeling okay. The type of girl to not give a fuck about embarrassing herself if she feels comfy around you. The type of girl to be on call with you 24/7 and fall asleep. Humor as vast and grand as her intelligence. A little but of a worry wart but tries to make the best it. A real ride or die type of gal. The person you would want to be with for the rest of your life. She told me not to write too much so I'm gonna stop it here.
Daniel: Hey, do you want a snack?

Roshini: Yeah, you got some?

Daniel: Look in the mirror

*Roshini whistles* : Smooth

Roshini is the only snack I can't get enough of
by Thumb Suckers Thumb October 26, 2019
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