2 definitions by Thorm

The general term for the profession of bro's worldwide.
- A Bro job.

First coined by Barney Stinson, a noble bro of the highest Bro Code order.
Marshals brofession is to say "Lawyer'd!"
by Thorm February 4, 2010
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Drunk to the Point of Retardation.
When the intensity of a person's alcohol intoxication reaches levels, that cause a temporary state of severely decreased cognitive capabilities.
John: uh.. my head..wtf
dude: Hahaha, got teh hangovers man?
John: who are you?
dude: yo' can't remember? Shit man, you were so DttPoR last night, haha!

John: fuck, is this a wedding ring?
by Thorm February 13, 2011
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