1 definition by Thomassssssssssssssssssss

The world's greatest martial artist.....

also the only pupil to survive under Chuck Norris.


Bruce Lee's real name is Buer LeCe. He was a Frenchman.

In 1964, Buer entered Chuck Norris' one-day boot camp along with 9 others who had the guts to do it.

At the end of the camp, Buer was the only one standing.

To merit his effort, Chuck Norris roundhouse kicked Buer's face at the speed of Norris (he would've done it bearfooted but he kept his shoes on because Buer was French) and Buer's entire physique changed into a yellow-skinned Asian. In addition, the kick was so powerful that Buer's name got jumbled into spelling "Bruce Lee."

Shocked and honored, Buer - now Bruce - moved to Hollywood to try to mimic Chuck's moves.

When Chuck found out, he disguised Bruce's death and brought him to be work in his kitchen.
Bruce Lee became Chuck's cook.
by Thomassssssssssssssssssss April 25, 2007
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