1 definition by Thisbitchremishoulddie

This disease starts when someone starts playing the game fortnite . The game infects like a parasite and will not stop until the player fully succumbs. This in turn will cause the user to post their usless wins that no one cares about on their snapchat stories. It also will cause the player to only talk about this game in social life making everyone hate him/her . And finally once all else has failed the user becomes a usless member of society and has nothing to do with his life accept use his mother/father ‘S credit card for usless non existant currency they call V bucks. The infected are commonly called Fortniters.
Person 1 My doctor says I have fortnite syndrome and il turn into a fortniter soon

Person 2 Ok bye never talking to you again you’re a waste of our society
by Thisbitchremishoulddie June 17, 2018
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