5 definitions by Thick boi99

Is a person who makes fun of himself but truly deep down is hurt. Always getting mad at one of his friends for little to no reason. Any male named Justin Fox is not allowed to grow past 5 foot 6. Finds gay jokes funny yet offensive at the same time.
by Thick boi99 January 30, 2020
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A man who watches gay porn, always gets touchy with his friends, is a mega douchebag who plays either lacrosse golf or baseball and is usually knows by his friend group as the one who is gay but acting straight
by Thick boi99 January 30, 2020
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Ashton Ward doesn’t come in much variety. He’s either slightly retarded or fully retarded. He usually watches gay tentacle hentai and is known in the group as the weeb. Ashton also likes to do fortnite dances and eveyone gets angry at him for trying to hard in any video game.
Stop watching that gay shit your being an ashton Ward
by Thick boi99 January 30, 2020
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A type of person who constantly wakes up at 2 am to play 2k and fortnite.constantly acts retarted so his friends are never sure if he’s actually retarded.a Michael Hutzel always fakes injuries to get out of stuff.thinks he’s good at basketball but fails miserably.
by Thick boi99 January 30, 2020
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A Maddix Holland is a type of guy who always seems depressed even if he’s not. Claims he was an X. fan from day one but nobody is actually sure. Cries his eyes out when Juice WRLD died. Always in some sort of issue/beef with somebody.
Stop fucking crying your being a Maddix Holland
by Thick boi99 January 30, 2020
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