1 definition by TheyCallMeCheese

A rare type of fish, most similar to the Asian Brook Trout, found in Southeast Asian lakes and rivers that literally feeds off the fecal matter of larger, more prominent species. It can hardly swim even though it's attended swim lessons for practically its whole life, as would be normal seeing as how it's a fish. And you know what they say, life's all just one big swimming lesson.
Sordan Jeppala-
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Salmoniformes
Family: Salmonidae
Subfamily: Salmoninae
Genus: Salvelinus fontinalis (infertile)

That Sordan can't smash but it sure can eat shit! #Fish #Swim #GreenPlumbers
by TheyCallMeCheese September 14, 2017
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