1 definition by Therapist Kurt

While embracing one's brother in a brotherly hug and wearing matching green tux ensembles, two girls are pleasured thoroughly. The position is as follows, simply known as the brosis double cheeseburger: older brother on bottom, younger sister on top of him, yellow blanket on top of her (acts as cheese in metaphorical double cheeseburger), older sister on top of the blanket, then younger brother. There is to be no blinking while in the act, and eyes must be as wide open as possible, staring directly at one's brother.
Consent is not necessary...as a matter of fact it is discouraged
"dude, my bro and i pulled the brotherly love on these two sisters last thursday after math class"
"with the green tuxes?!?!"
"yeah man, they weren't green by the end though..."
by Therapist Kurt February 5, 2009
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