3 definitions by Thenamethatis30characterslong.

(n.) The physical embodiment of raw suckage. When something is so completely crappy that no other words can describe it. The complete opposite of Shit Kicker.
Do you read DC comics?
Ugh, DC comics? It's the shit wagon.
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(n.) In essence, the shit. Anything that is just so awesome that it cannot be described by any other words. The complete opposite of Shit Wagon.
Have you heard that new song?
Hell yeah man, it's the Shit Kicker!
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(n.) A disease that is contracted as a result of consuming far too many black olives at one time. The symptoms are as follows:

1. Male victims develop a set of ovaries and a menstrual cycle. This development comes on very slowly and very painfully.

2. The victim, very quickly, develops all of the symptoms of cerebral palsy. The effects of this can last up to several moon phases, even if the Menthrulpalsia is successfully treated.

3. The victim develops a case of very violent, angry diarrhea. This can also lead to red, green, or purple feces and chronic anal seepage.

No known treatments or cures have been found as of yet.
Ugh, shit dude!
What is it?
I feel like I've grown ovaries or something...and I'm crapping colors!
Uh-oh, sounds like you've got Menthrulpalsia.
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