1 definition by Themothaphucka

A car more often than not owned by rich, spoiled , narcissistic cunts who's parents almost 90% of the time own there own business in which most cases enables these cunts to waste ridiculous amounts of money on a car that is old, ugly , and poorly built to begin with from the factory.
These cars in which were never ever designed to be performance oriented but more of a point A to B mode of transportation are heavily modified for who knows what reason and at the end of the day they are still just a cheap shitty economy car.

You are not cool driving your daddy sponsored FWD civic, they are ridiculously gay and never will be cool.
With the amount of money you put into a 4 cylinder to make it fast you could've turbo'd a v8 rwd platform that would make more power than you ever dreamed of with your queer 4 cylinder eco car that will never even get you laid. Your all idiots
Hey my Honda racecar should be out this year!

Oh, that's wonderful, you must be so excited you can get married in any state now!
by Themothaphucka June 21, 2016
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