1 definition by Thegurl1234

Tryphene is the woman that is worth more than you will ever know. She is beautiful both inside and out, and anyone would be lucky to be in her presence for even a moment. She glows with this inner sparkle and when you lock eyes with her, it feels like you can read her thoughts and jokes with just a glance. It’s hard to keep a straight face around her because she will make you laugh and forget to be sad. She deserves all the love in the world and is so worthy of kindness and care. There is no one that can compare to Tryphene’s beauty because she has a beauty all her own. She knows her worth, and is wise and steady. When she hugs you it feels like being hugged by a million butterflies. When you are with her, you feel like you are home.
Elizabeth: Hi Tryphene, can I come over? I’d love to see you.

Tryphene: Yeah!
by Thegurl1234 November 24, 2021
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