146 definitions by Theamazinggeek

A term for when person becomes overly obsessed or obsessive with
A) turning a new leaf in life
B) starting a new life

All due an incarceration (jail, prison)

Very similar as a mid life crisis

Obsessive enough burn bridges, destroy/ end relationships with others. Enough to divorce or break up with lovers or partners. Possible family

Obsessive enough to sell or donate all there possessions so they can acquire new ones.

Obsessive enough to move far far far from the place he got caught possibly leaving the country

All in the name of starting over

Note it can be temporary or permanent
Man:" ken just blew me off. He says he wants a new life. Say he cant be around any of us.
Man2: hes going through the motions of new suit syndrome and is odd are right now leaving one or anything he ever had.
by Theamazinggeek March 11, 2018
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A term for when your caught cheating on someone. All thanks to a facebook post by the person you cheated with. Usually its a combination of an image(s) posted and facial recognition that does it. Sometimes its plain stupidity, a post from your date.
Carl felt very scared when he looked at the top of the stairwell of his apartment building. His girlfriend stood at the top there with her cell and a facebook page open. He realized he had been finked by facebook
by Theamazinggeek April 23, 2018
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A woman with a fiery, spiyfire like personality who is constantly angry. She has a controlling nature and has to keep things going her way. In a way, dominating is a second nature for her.

A dragoness uses insults, destructive, demeaning, humiliating, words (and statements) to destroy other people in an attempt to contol them and keep them in their "place".

Especially seen in the dating world a dragoness will demean, and publicly humiliate her mate to both keep him in his place and to keep him close. She figures if she demeans and contols him, he'll never leave her. Yes, she rules her mate by fear. In many cases, her mate never leaves her sight. Mates of a dragoness usually have there decisions made by the dragoness. So often he/she becomes lost without her. A dragoness never leaves her mate alone . It reminds us of the dragons of myth guarding her treasure.

Please not a dragoness does not necessarily have to be asian.
We all watched in horror as hailey's dragoness nature came out, as she completely tore into both her husband and the waiter.
by Theamazinggeek January 16, 2019
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A term to describe an amount of something lost during a process or processing and cannot be retrieved or returned

It was originally coined by the Japanese. During the sake making process to describe when a small amount would evaporate. As they said that portion went to the angels.

This term can used in other situations to describe a loss (of a portion) that cannot be gotten back.
Guy1: What happened to all the sake' we made?
Senior: proably a bit of it evaporated ... we used to call that the angels share. We often imagined they were up there drinking it right now.
by Theamazinggeek March 23, 2018
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when a person, mate lover, etc has been passed from one sibling to another(usually between sisters, brothers twins, etc)
Being passed is one thing but passing around the whole family is another
by Theamazinggeek March 9, 2015
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A rather attractive woman with a agenda. Her agenda is to take all she can from an unsuspecting companion (sex, money, goods, etc) and then at the hint that this person may purpose marriage or such. She the vixen will disappear.
by Theamazinggeek February 25, 2015
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A naive, and i mean unknowing naive (a guy whose never heard of cugars) young male between the age of 18 and 22 (Yes a potential cub) used as sacrifical lamb. This guy is :
*thrown on or off a dance floor or a isolated spot of the floor,
* thrown in a corner table of a singles bar,
*Thrown to a pack of cougars

To lure cougars away
To lure cougars to you
The guys threw there cougar lure to the back of the dance floor and every cougar danced over to meet him, leaving the cute coeds for the rest.
by Theamazinggeek February 15, 2018
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