4 definitions by The_Shagster

A dude whose jokes are really starting to get old.
Jon: Wanna hear a Chuck Norris joke?
Me: Wanna suck my dick?
by The_Shagster June 24, 2011
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A website that's tricked everyone in the world into thinking it's a super cool site when it's really a copy of Myspace minus the awesome customization.
Stupid Guy: I love Facebook. It's awesome.
Smart Guy: What makes it better than any other site?
Stupid Guy: It's Facebook. It's just "better."
by The_Shagster June 24, 2011
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The reason Facebook needs a "dislike" button.
I called Justin Bieber gay so he slapped me with his purse.
by The_Shagster June 24, 2011
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proper noun: Amazingly strong, good-looking, super-buff guy with a really deep, sexy Josh Turner-like voice.
adjective: 1. strong, 2. awesome, 3. great
1. In the beginning, God created Beastly Jones; then God and Beastly Jones created the world.
2. Linkin Park is the Beastliest Jonesiest band ever.
by The_Shagster June 23, 2011
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