2 definitions by The_Dark_Lord_cthulhu

A girl usually about 12 that will obsess over someone that does not care about her, and never will. Fangirls are usually unable to see that the person they are obsessing over has no skills or talents and actually isn't as famous or as good as they think they are. Fangirls like their obsession because of their looks more than anything.
She fangirled over 5sos and privatefearless despite them having no talent, simply because they are good looking
by The_Dark_Lord_cthulhu March 15, 2015
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What Phan like to do in their spare time. In which the feminine partner bends over, and masculine partner swiftly thrusting into them.
AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire started rubbing up against eachother preparing for their cheeky bum sex
by The_Dark_Lord_cthulhu February 1, 2015
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