10 definitions by TheSaltergeist

SaltyCracker is a youtuber who creates quite possibly the best online content to ever grace the interzones.

Giving social commentary to news events and often pointing out Liberal hypocrisy, he has garnered a large following. Affectionately referred to as 'The Salty Army', they're known for their diet of pure testosterone and raw steak.

Although his commentary tends toward having a Conservative leaning, he has a Mexican wife, so is immune to criticism or claims of dat bees rayciss.

Salty's nemesis is anti-second ammendment advocate pillow-hater David Hogg, AKA Soynic the SmegHogg, whose DNA is 80% pure AIDS.
David Hogg: He's uploaded to Odysee again...
Bubbles Seaman aka Terry Minces: I know petal, I know. Let's put some tendies on and open the cry closet, you can use your noodle arms to hit your SaltyCracker Mike Lindell pillow
by TheSaltergeist May 17, 2021
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PRIDE is an event created to give the illusion that rightfully marginalized and generally unaccepted degenerates are meaningful members of society.
PRIDE is designed to be subversive and fracture all the tenets that make the West a success. Events include, but are not limited to;
PRIDE parades: Street carnivals were children are exposed to naked men and women, often simulating sexual acts on each other, or swinging their decorated genitalia.

Drag Story Hour: Convicted abusers dress up in women's clothes and wear wigs and make up, then proceed to read Liberal propaganda to children, often normalising or celebrating degeneracy. Transgenderism is highly encouraged and promoted as a healthy alternative lifestyle to children as young as 3, despite having a suicidality rate of 40%. So is intergenerational sex, commonly known as pedophilia. The phrase "love is love" is uttered to justify it.

SlutWalks: Not comprising only LGBTQXYZ alphabet people, but designed to subvert and destroy the moral fabric of society, and features LGBTQXYZ symbolism and slogans extensively. Encourages young girls to have sex with anyone they want, whenever they want, and not consider consequences or the greater impact on society. Abortion is then normalised and encouraged as a remedy to their sluttiness. Again, designed to erode the values of Judeo-Christian Western society.

In short, PRIDE is AIDS to society, as are the mongrels that comprise it's membership. Just say no to PRIDE.
Mincer Bottom: Oh heeeey girl, you going PRIDE to sissy dat walk?
Chad: I'm a man. And no, I will not endorse or encourage your degenerate Marxist parade.
Mincer Bottom: Date rayciss, homophones, I'm calling da cops I want defunded
by TheSaltergeist June 2, 2021
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A Palesraeli Dilemna is a situation wherein, you really don't care about either side of the argument, but are expected to feign sympathy with one side or the other.
Shlomo Sheklestein: Deez Arabs-uh, dey attack us wid rockets and deeg tunnels. Oi very, New Yoik City.
Tariq Towelheddy: Hhhcck.. hhhhck... de Jooz. Dey tek de land. Hhhhhck. It r belongz to us. HAMAS. Whhhckkkat yoo tink?
(My Thoughts: I really don't give a shit about either of you people or your bullshit. Palesraeli Dilemna.)
What I Am Expected To Say: Oh, such a sad... yeeaah...I have nothing but sympathy, I'm sure there is validity to both arguments.
by TheSaltergeist June 4, 2021
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