2 definitions by TheQueerSoul

1) Used in the online youtube acting community to refer to a scene or period of time in which the actors are in character.

2) Used to distinguish whether or not an actor's actions or emotions are part of the character they play or not. This is especially common within contexts such as the Minecraft role-play server Dream SMP, where actors shift in and out of character constantly and the lines between acting and not acting are blurred, and what is considered 'canonical' in the plot is quite loose and up to interpretation. This is especially true since the characters the actors play are often similar to their own true personality, due to the casualness of the setting and the way in which many characters evolved naturally over time through improv, drawing large parts of themselves from the actors personalities, rather then being planned beforehand.

The term likely originates from television acting, in which a 'five-or-less' or 'bit part' is a role in-between an extra and a supporting character. To be considered a bit part, the role the actor plays must have no more then 5 lines of dialogue and a direct interaction with one of the principle actors. Cameo roles by famous celebrities are often bit parts.

"Sorry chat, we can't go hang out with Tubbo now, he's doing a bit with Tommy."
"THAT is commitment to the bit!" -Matpat in his recent Film Theory episode, referring to actor Nathan Barnatt's filming of a 4 hour dance video in which he stays in character for the entire time.

"I know people are concerned because I've been 'forgetting' lots of things recently, but don't worry guys, it's just a bit."
"Stop sending hate to Dream for being manipulative to Tommy, they're just doing a bit."
by TheQueerSoul January 7, 2021
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A portmanteau if the words fan art and stan. Fan art made by a stan depicting the person or celebrity they stan, especially in a dramaticized way. Does not need to be high quality, but must be high effort. Although stanart can be lewd, the majority of it is not.

A person who continuously makes Stanart is called a Stanartist.
"Jane isn't coming, she's too busy making stanart of Technoblade."
"Stanart that takes dozens or even hundreds of hours to make keeps getting stolen and reposted. People really should stop doing that and have more respect!"
"Everyone knows, Stanart only gets upvotes if there's a hot girl holding it."
by TheQueerSoul January 7, 2021
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