1 definition by TheOmicron1

The Andromeda Strain of Christianity. Often called "conservative Christianity", when in reality it is a very modern radical version. Evangelicalism has no true theology, substituting apologetics for theology, and far more concerned with what will draw in people than in actual beliefs.

Evangelicals are often mistaken for Protestants, however the two groups a quite different. Protestantism is based on the idea that people can read and understand the Bible for themselves, without need of a mediator. In Evangelicalism, your minister is the final authority of what the Bible means.

Evangelicals gather to worship in thousands or tens of thousands in the belief that their minister is an intermediary to God, and that it is very important to get their religion directly from him.
The Evangelical's theology changed so fast that it was changed before the sermon was even finished.
by TheOmicron1 January 11, 2010
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