1 definition by TheLerxst

n. A combination of the classic expression of contempt - fuck you - with the word eulogy. As a eulogy is a way of praising and commending the deceased, a fuckyoulogy becomes the much sought-after antonym - a way of condemning the deceased.

Essentially, a speech or statement about a dead person that does not 'respect the dead' in the classic sense, but rather realises that if, in life, the person was a complete and utter cunt, being dead doesn't change this about them; it simply provides the world with some relief from their douchiness.

v. Fuckyoulogise
A fitting fuckyoulogy: Osama bin Laden was a right cock, and frankly I'm glad the bastard's dead.

I hated that guy; I'm not gonna eulogise him, I'm gonna fuckyoulogise him.
by TheLerxst June 1, 2011
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