2 definitions by TheLaw

Another word for housework. All jobs that need doing around the house that men are not required to do by law.
Not to be confused with Manwork such as beer drinking and sport watching.
"Stop moaning about how much womanwork you've got to do and just get on with it."
by TheLaw June 20, 2013
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Laser Vaginal Rejuvenations

A procedure to enhance the vaginal muscle tone, strength, and control. It will effectively decrease the internal and external vaginal diameters as well as build up and strengthen the perineal body (the area immediately outside the vagina and above the anus). Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated
After years of sexual exploration, Debby's cooch had become quite floppy. I recommended an LVR
by TheLaw December 4, 2006
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