3 definitions by TheFurryOfTheFam

OmG iTs A bLaCk DuCk WiTh An OrAnGe BeAk So CuTe

black duck orange beak ya know they are so cute...
by TheFurryOfTheFam October 25, 2020
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to throw an object at a random time and place with the intention to hit someone in the face with said object at a very high speed
so you see a person standing in a subway

they look your way with a chair in hand
they start to lift the chair higher in the air
they throw the chair
"YEET" they said
it comes zooming towards you at a high speed
it hits you in the face
the end
thanks for listening to my ted talk
it hits you
by TheFurryOfTheFam November 9, 2020
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tfw you do not know what ur cousin means in joke boat at the beach be like
Me:wow that was a funny joke

Cousin(1): we totaly nailed that one

cousin(2): oh shoot its my turn INSERT JOKE PICKUP HERE (punchline) dog gra... you know what i mean?

uncle:WhAt ThAt GoT vOtEs??!

Me:wow that was just wow

thank you for listening to my ted talk
by TheFurryOfTheFam October 16, 2020
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