3 definitions by TheDudeThatKnowsAll

When you still can't pronounce that word right.
Boy: I have my birth cerfiticate!
Girl: You just did a Hallejuhla! Retard.
by TheDudeThatKnowsAll December 18, 2016
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A phrase that children say when trying not to get something taken away from them by their mother.

In some cases this phrase can be used by adults as well.
Mom: Give me your phone!
Kid: I don't wanna!
Mom: NOW!
Kid: But mooom!
by TheDudeThatKnowsAll December 19, 2016
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A simple word you say when you don't know what to say. You will most commonly use this when nervous or bored.
Student 1: I don't have a pencil.
Teacher: Than get one!
Student 1: Mhr.
Student 2: Sure! I have a pencil!
by TheDudeThatKnowsAll December 18, 2016
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