1 definition by TheClownCornbread

- A fatty, shiney shiney, closeted, egghead ginger who repeatedly drops his rent money on Belle Delphine Merch in a futile attempt to become her boyfriend. - A Simpopotamus may present himself as a feminist who respects women, but treats most women like sex objects. -A Simpopotamus may also become a financial drain on those around him, making the Beautiful Princess Aubrey pay his bills out of pity.
See also: Michael Tyler Kittrell; CopperCab
God_Emperor_Trump: Wow, this Simpopotamus actually thinks throwing money at E-girls gives him some sense of ownership over them.

Brian Keener: Yeah, pretty soon this Simppo will be throat-hugging sausage just to finance his simping addiction. It’s quite sad really.
by TheClownCornbread October 23, 2020
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