38 definitions by TheBigCanucklehead

A person who doesn't give a fuck. This phrase became catchall in reference to Randall's infamous youtube "The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger'' commentary on the behaviour of the Honey Badger.
I love it when you go all honey badger on me, brings out the dominant part in you and I begin to wonder if I am getting sexually attracted to you.

by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015
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A phrase that is stated when one cannot make a decision on an important matter and the more that one tries to concentrate to figure out the answer, the more confusing it becomes.
2. When one is caught in a precarious situation.
With my employer determined to downsize they told me they needed my decision on their early retirement package. I am so stressed that I'm caught between the fart and the shit and I cannot decide.

indecisive stress
by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015
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I've been walking around with morningwood all day. I really need to get laid soon.

by TheBigCanucklehead March 14, 2015
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An analogy describing someone who is not quick-witted and gives the impression of being not very smart.

airhead dimwittedç
You are going to ask John to hook up your PS4? Good luck on that one, you do realize he's not the brightest bulb on the christmas tree.
by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015
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1. A noun describing various club drugs. Generally refers to the harder club-drugs like methamphetamine, ecstasy, GHB or cocaine.
I am so looking forward to the rave this weekend. Make sure Peter gets the party favours or else we are going to walk into the Twilight Zone if we're not on the same level as everyone else.

club drugs ecstasy methamphetamine GHB
by TheBigCanucklehead March 13, 2015
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A nickname given to a guy or a girl who always has a negative spin on things. Always brings the mood down with the doom and gloom analogies.
Jack: Way to go Billy...a grand slam!
Tom: God, it's about time he only struck out the last four at bats.
Jack: Just shush and quit being such a Negative Nancy and be thankful it wasn't a fifth strikeout, but it was a grand slam.

negative bad outlook
by TheBigCanucklehead March 22, 2015
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Nickname for the head of the male penis which resembles just that...a mushroom head.
My boyfriend's penis is magnificent. His mushroomhead is bigger than the rest of his penis and it creates this wonderful feeling in me that leads to pure ecstasy.

penis head
by TheBigCanucklehead March 15, 2015
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