1 definition by TheBaxter

a form of semi-retirement, often characterized by weeks or months of waiting, waffling, wondering, and worriment; common characteristics also include lying, dissembling, persecution complexes, backbiting, media circuses, and incessant complaining about one's treatment at the hands of those one has favretired from, or is contemplating un-favretiring to join; may be caused by an excessive need or desire to have one's ego stroked and the belief that one is deserving of worship, adulation, and much ass-kissing by others, though ironically, the resultant behavior usually results in a significant cost to the reputation of the favretiree.
That guy Brent in accounting is driving me insane; one day he's retired, then he's not, then he's injured his bicep muscle and has to wait to see if it heals enough for him to be able to punch keys on his calculator -- I wish he'd make up his mind and end this favretirement already.
by TheBaxter July 29, 2009
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