3 definitions by The Hottest Thot

Something you scream when someone is attacking you, you're attacking someone, someone stole something of yours, or if your bored.
Man 1: *Steals Man 2's pencil"
Man 2: Ree. RRRREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts tackling man 1*
by The Hottest Thot November 19, 2018
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The saying i use when someone is annoying me and i want them to leave
That one annoying kid: Man, you so stupid
by The Hottest Thot October 2, 2018
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1. the number that comes before 70 and after 68
2. A sexual position where two people give each other head at the same time
3. A funny number on reddit.
1. 67, 68, 69, 70
2. Hey girl, wanna 69 later?
3. Nice
by The Hottest Thot October 12, 2019
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