3 definitions by The God Roofie

A clan of the realist niggas out there all equally as strong; CicadaToybox, RoofieToybox, CalamityToybox, TenaciousToybox, AnarchyToybox, PhatomToybox and RainbowToybox. they have concurred countries before and taken on several of the gods, tho being all mortals with each gods they kill they take their position making them the strongest in the universe.
I can’t believe I seen the Toybox crew with my own eyes
by The God Roofie February 27, 2019
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One of the most powerful mortals you will ever meet, he can create a crater on the side of the earth by just doing a squat, he has power beyond your imagination, he took on one punch man and goku at the same time and came out untouched. Their was a time where Roofie stopped a giant meteor by punching a hole right thru and and smashing it into a million pieces. To the day Roofie still seeks for a worthy opponent to face in combat.
I heard Roofie killed another god today, I wonder when his bloodthirst will end
by The God Roofie February 27, 2019
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The brother of Roofie and a close ally, Calamity has been the victor of many battles he has never lost. There was a time where Roofie and Calamity arm wrestled and broke their way in the core of the earth, they came back out with coats on because how cold the middle was.
Calamity just ripped Thor’s head off!!
by The God Roofie February 26, 2019
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