2 definitions by The Brian McGee

To commit a crime with clear and obvious intent and injure ones self in the commission of said crime. When questioned by the police however refer to the old adage of 'Skylarking' (whilst using your Jedi mind powers to convince the police) and you will get away with it.
"Hey man, I broke into a rugby club and fell through the dang roof! When the cops came I just told them we were skylarking.. They are it up and even drove us home!!"

tom foolery shennanigans dupedworrierits a real bloody mess over here
by The Brian McGee February 19, 2016
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To commit a crime and then tell police a lie so that you escape punishment. To create a totally unbelievable tale so far fetched that no one but the police would believe it.
Offender: "I was just skylarking officer"
Police: "oh, ok then sport off you go then, you clearly haven't done anything"
by The Brian McGee February 21, 2016
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