4 definitions by The Almighty

a word made up by Will Ferrell's character on SNL to describe utter perfection that, ironically, is too perfect to describe.
"A performance so scrumtrilescent, I can barely move" - Will Ferrell as James Lipton
by The Almighty May 29, 2005
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In Latin the name James means the king, but in the English language it defines a man with an astonishing body beautiful eyes and a huge dick, and he sells tons of weed and gets dem hoes
Guy walking: wow I wish I was like James

Friend: to bad you have a small dick
by The Almighty March 22, 2014
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The extra fat females get usually after giving birth that appears to be yet another stomach under her waist line. Teachers seem to have them alot.
by The Almighty September 1, 2003
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