4 definitions by The old world urban dictionary

When a person pays for a midget to give them a swirly in a public toilet full of shit and before they take a breath the midget hops on the top of the toilet tank and shits on their head. Then they pull their head out and go that's one crazy town.
Midget: Indistinguishable midget mill speak (sounding like kid rock bowittaba mixed with Teletubbies) Customer: That's one crazy town you got here. Midget:Fuck you
by The old world urban dictionary November 1, 2020
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When a poop criminal accompanied by a midget dumps in a public stall then waits for an unsuspecting individual to come along and very slyly gives them a swirly in the pot of shit then has the midget sneak in under the stall and take a shit on their head after flushing. Before they grab a breath of air. Usually a boy midget wrestling champion who was a hired hand.
Unsuspecting individual: Boy that town was a crazy town. Other individual:What happened? Unsuspecting individual:You don't want to know...
by The old world urban dictionary November 1, 2020
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One who is so deviant in nature mentally that they go above and beyond the normally accepted practice of a poop joke for example taking a shit in a drawer that does not belong to said person then lying in wait for that sour reaction. These folks take it to a level that is just wrong. One example being that fast food worker who dumps into a bag just to pocket it into work for the secret sauce. Also those who perform deviated sexual practice's
Like a shit blister,mudslide or a dirty Sanchez.
Deviant: Would you like some fries

with that burger. Sanchez:Hey I'm filling up a rubber now I feel kinda sick ask my girl friend with the mustache. Deviant:um ok if you quit taking a shit into a condom in front of me they are on the house. Sanchez:mind your own me and my bitch are going to crazy town this evening I heard they have midget wrestling tournament there tonight. I just got out of jail for my poop crimes and am considered to be a poop criminal. Hurry up!
by The old world urban dictionary November 1, 2020
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Deviated sex practice's including but not excluded to shit blisters mudslides dirty Sanchez paying poop criminals for blackmail or for shits and giggles having a prostitute shit on your chest and scooping it up with crackers and eating it.
Person 1:That party was a crazy bunch of unhealthy people. Person 2: I think they were retarded them fuckers paid for a shit crime. Person 1: I saw a poop crime go down before my very eye's. Person 2: I am scarred for life.
Person 1: the poop crimes going down there were just maddening.
by The old world urban dictionary November 1, 2020
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