4 definitions by The lord of all lamas

The ugly one in the corner of the room staring at you, or walking behind you... , you at you though the window when you dont know. Nothing like the shy one

No-one likes y.. i mean the creepy one
"The creepy ones staring at you"
"Dont look they'll come over"
by The lord of all lamas January 19, 2020
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Often the beautiful/handsome one you see in the corner of the room, thats staring at you. not to be confused with the creepy one.

Your usually attached to them
"The shy one is staring at you again"
by The lord of all lamas January 19, 2020
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The one you want but won't get
Basically the last piece of cake you'll never get it

There probably the worst person ever
by The lord of all lamas January 19, 2020
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The guy who has a lot of stress built-up because he holds ever one dear to him, the guy you can trust without any worries, the guy who has dreams to become more then anything else. Liam's are soft, gently and very fadgile. If you ever met liam greet him with a hug, and a handshake goodbye. Also he's has a particular set of skills for love that hes aquired over the years.
Omg its liam
by The lord of all lamas January 19, 2020
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