3 definitions by The lazy genius(has no work)

A random person you will meet sitting alone on the streets with very shiny and blingy things.

she might be living on streets but with all that bling you might think that she is a millionaire!
person : dude, did u see that girl there
person 2 : yeah she probably got that money
Anaaita : please help me. I am broke
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goosebumps in your brain. your get them when you hear someone sing really good or when you are really stressed and you feel your brain pulsing or shivering.
person1- Did you hear her high note?
Person 2 - Yeah, it gave me jitteries of joy!
by The lazy genius(has no work) September 3, 2020
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The surname of a really great and successful person who is also very kind and generous.
Person 1: Hey! I just met a Chatlani, She was rich but still nice.
by The lazy genius(has no work) February 11, 2020
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