3 definitions by The guy who says basic shit

a fucking abuse of our children, homework violates every single human right. we hate homework because it wastes our time and yet teachers are surprised when they force students to do useless shit they refuse and rebel
i dont care if you find this lazy, offensive or problematic, it has to be said and heard, HOMEWORK IS USELESS YOU FUCKTARDS
by The guy who says basic shit March 19, 2021
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China is an backwards communist state that its using its power to supress the uyghurs and Hong Kong, They might conviced media all around the world that they are good, but in reality they are barbarians; they are guilty of tianamen square, they are guilty of an global restriction of Free Speech, they are guilty of consentration camps made for the convertion of the Uyghurs, they are guilty of the pro-chinese bias in media companies and they are guilty of crimes against humanity.
I want every one to stand for; a Free tibet, Freedom for the Uyghurs, freedom for Hong Kong, freedom of speech and freedom from China's Bullshit
by The guy who says basic shit April 12, 2021
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