3 definitions by The definitive definitions

A level up you went from 1st Circle hell immediately fallowed by middle school 9,895th circle hell where the “teachers” aka super pms resting byachis give you shity time out no talking lunch detentions every fucking minute. Good luck
Middle school = cancer

Jimbo middle school is fun

Dave jimbo is high and retarded
by The definitive definitions January 6, 2018
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1: Not just an ass a holy ass one with true power

2: Awesomely cool shits like that

Pretty much better than best
1: That’s some dank azz shit man

2: noyce azz gurl
by The definitive definitions January 6, 2018
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people who join a discord server and think there the shit even though their newbie cunts
bob: oh god a fuckin purple
jake: lets bully him
Purple: you guys ever really look into philosophy starts quoting René Descartes
by The definitive definitions February 26, 2021
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