2 definitions by The Surface

Some actors find it hard to do a convincing French accent, and this is never more apparent than when attempting vowel sounds, in particular the French word for yes: 'Oui'.

Most commonly, the actor will pronounce the word 'Weh!!', accentuating their mistake with a particularly breathy delivery.
Steve: "So, you're new in town?"

Claudette: "Weh!!"
by The Surface February 5, 2012
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A redundent set of organs within the human body. Floating uselessly in the sub-cockle area, these organs maintain a tenuous connection to the reproductive organs of both males and females. Performing no known function, the rinubs are prone to rupture during extreme laughing fits. While this rupture is rarely (if ever) fatal, discomfort may last for several minutes.
(laughing) Oh! Oh, stop it! My rinubs are bleeding!!

She laughed so hard that her rinubs began to bleed.
by The Surface May 17, 2011
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