2 definitions by The Rioter/La Louve

The name of a french book series containing 12 books about a young boy who is a "Porteur de Masques" (Wearer of Masks). The series is writen by Bryan Perro and is amazing. Read it. I dare you.
Guy 1: Have you read Amos Daragon yet?
Guy 2: I'm at the 7th book!
by The Rioter/La Louve April 9, 2015
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Walk Off The Earth is an awesome band that does covers and sometimes writes their own songs. Their latest album is called "R.E.V.O." Meaning "Realise Every Victory Outright" and contains their popular cover of the song "somebody that I used to know" by Gotye. They were formed in 2006. The shortened name of their band is "W.O.T.E."
Tony: Have you heard of Walk Off The Earth?
Josh: Yeah, they walked off the earth
Tony: ....
by The Rioter/La Louve April 8, 2015
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