1 definition by The Reverend 73

Pronounced: (Well-bow). This term is given to the moment you discover that the bar surface you are resting your elbow on whilst waiting to order drinks has not been maintained to a "dry" standard. The result is a "Wet Elbow" or "Welbow" Discovery of a "welbow" often leads to outrage and losing your place at the bar as you reel away in abject disgust. A level 1 "welbow can be dealt with by a casual rub on a friends jumper. Level 5's require time under the hand dryer to reduce the "welbow" to a more manageable level.
With the recent introduction of so called "extra cold beers" and also the dreaded "frozen glass" "welbows" are on the increase. As condensation increases on the glass and bar staff are cut due to the economic climate "welbows" are common place, visual checks are not enough borrow a friends item of clothing to spare your wetness as you use it to dry the area.
by The Reverend 73 October 10, 2011
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