58 definitions by The Real Canadian

Nickname for Donald Trump, the illegitimate 45th President of the United States. Trump admits to not reading books (calling them elitist), enlisted poor Barack Obama to show him the ropes, bullies people, and behaves like a spoiled rotten brat who has never grown up. Dolt45 spends his idle time writing tweets that are unreadable and unpresidential.
Angela Merkel wonders how a jerk like Dolt45 ever got elected President.

With the money that Dolt45 spends at Mar-a-Lago each weekend, we could feed hungry kids and old people.

Dolt45 must have slept through civics classes in military school. He knows jack-shit about running a country.
by The Real Canadian March 20, 2017
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In the classic Roald Dahl kids' book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Veruca Salt is an obnoxious, spoiled rich brat. She seems sweet and innocent from the surface, but she yells, screams and gets aggressive when she doesn't get her way. Meets her messy end in the nut room, where she ends up down the garbage chute.

Veruca Salt is also the second Golden Ticket winner for a tour of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.

Veruca Salt is the epitome of spoiled rich brat.
This spoiled rich brat over there has pulled a Veruca Salt on us again.

If you keep this up, you'll share the garbage bin with Veruca Salt.
by The Real Canadian August 23, 2016
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