1 definition by The Quinn

A psychedelic rock band from Chester PA who existed from 1965 to 1968. They were to be the first band on as an opener for Jimi Hendrix at the Philadelphia Spectrum in 1968. Years hike backstage getting ready , Lemmy, who was Hendrix’s guitar tech at the time, gave each of the members of Shambolic 5 tabs of barrel acid which hit them incredibly hard. While making their way to the stage, they made a wrong turn and went out the back stage exit, ending up on the broad street subway, where they experienced a loss of time experience. They resurfaced from their time jump in the summer of 2021 back in Chester with no real memory of the episode. The band continued on at that point once obtaining a jam space and new equipment. Their first release, the East 25th Street demo Cd was self produced and released in 2023 , and was well received by their peers in the local music scene. The band continues to this day playing sporadic live shows and working on new material.
Tom: “haven’t seen those guys in ages, like decades, it’s like they went full on Shambolic on us and disappeared for 40 years, but hey they still look pretty good, wnd man their new material is heavy as balls!”
by The Quinn August 20, 2023
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